Are you looking to improve your skills in designing, fabricating, and testing power amplifiers in the 1-50 GHz frequency range? Then this comprehensive design course is for you!
Now available on-demand: over 30 hours of instruction from Dr. Ali Darwish. Enjoy 120 days of access to this intensive training course. Sign up now!
Classroom RF training returns to San Jose, CA this October! Instructor Waleed Khalil's popular Radio Systems: RF Transceiver Design... course (#241) is already confirmed to run October 17-21. You can sign up now and make any necessary travel arrangements immediately! This intensive five-day course packs about the same amount of material as a full semester college course into one week.
By popular demand! This course is now being offered live online in 2 sessions over a two day period. Each daily session will last approximately 4 hours and start at 7:00 AM Pacific time. The first session will be presented on May 24 with the final session presented on May 25.
Instructor Scott Bullock has prepared a premium tutorial on Automatic Gain Control, Burst or Pulse Jammer Improvement, and Reduce Results as part of a new Electronic Warfare Tutorial Series. This new premium tutorial is now available for all RF Mentor Academy Subscribers. Mr. Bullock worked in research and development for most of his career developing a radar simulator, a spread spectrum microscan receiver, a new spread spectrum receiver where he applied for a patent and was awarded company funds as a new idea project to develop the concept. Mr. Bullock also developed a spread spectrum environment simulator for a spread spectrum wideband countermeasures receiver using BPSK, QPSK, SQPSK, MSK, frequency hopper, hybrids, AM, FM, voice generator, jammers, and noise. He also designed a high-frequency adaptive filter used to reduce narrowband jammers in a wideband signal; a broadband, highly accurate frequency hop detector; an instantaneous Fourier transfor ...
Our RF Mentor Academy Subscription program allows instructors to present short tutorials on cutting-edge topics. Get access to courses on RF fundamentals topics as well as specialized tutorials added on a regular basis. Explore the unique benefits of mmWave technology for RF applications in this three part premium tutorial with Dr. Ali Darwish. Part 1 is now available:
Coming this October 25-29 in San Diego, CA we offer Waleed Khalil's Radio Systems: RF Transceiver Design from Antenna to Bits and Back course.