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EMI/EMC Troubleshooting + RF Mentor Academy Subscription Bundle - Limited Time!

EMI/EMC Troubleshooting + RF Mentor Academy Subscription Bundle - Limited Time!

Unlock a year of learning with our special e-Learning bundle: EMI/EMC Troubleshooting Techniques (Course 287) and a one-year subscription to RF Mentor Academy at a discounted price. This package offers you the flexibility to master EMI/EMC troubleshooting at your own pace, while also granting unlimited access to a wealth of high-quality courses on RF fundamentals and PCB design, including our RF/Wireless Passport program.

Congratulations to Arturo Mediano for IEEE EMC Education Award!

Congratulations to Arturo Mediano for IEEE EMC Education Award!

Besser Associates congratulates instructor Arturo Mediano! On August 9th, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Mediano was honored to receive the 2024 Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education Award from the IEEE EMC Society. The EMC Society values high-quality EMC Engineering education and recognizes the crucial role of continuing education. This award highlights their excellence in course design, delivery, and support, their ability to inspire students, their contributions to educational publications, and their innovations in EMC engineering education. We are proud to offer Dr. Mediano's courses to you as part of our continuing education courses on RF and Wireless engineering. Don't delay - upgrade your design and troubleshooting skills with our award-winning training today!
