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New mm-Wave/5G Antenna Course Coming to San Jose This August

New mm-Wave/5G Antenna Course Coming to San Jose This August

Instructor Steve Best will present his new course, 5G, mm-Wave Antenna Integration & Test Techniques, this August 21-22 in San Jose, CA. This two day course provides participants with coverage of antenna, integration, test, and propagation topics associated with millimeter Wave (mm-Wave) and 5G applications. The course provides an understanding of antenna property definitions, antenna fundamentals and considerations, antenna types and mm-Wave propagation. The course provides information on how antenna properties and propagation characteristics affect communication systems. Topics also covered include how to test and measure mm-Wave antenna performance.

Free Webcast December 6: MMIC Design Overview

Instructor Ali Darwish will present a free live MMIC Design Overview webinar with Microwave Journal Magazine this December 6th at 8AM Pacific/11AM Eastern. This webinar gives an overview of some of the practical strategies required to achieve success in the design of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). The following topics will be covered: The advantages and limitations of MMIC Designs. Active device modeling. Calculating the lifetime of MMICs. Modeling passive components. Preventing unwanted oscillations.

Introduction to Radar Webcast April 27

Apr 2016

Instructor Scott Bullock will present a free webinar on radar this April 27 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time/15:00 UTC. This webinar provides an introduction to the theory and operation of radar. Historically developed for the military, then government systems, radar is now being adopted commercially — with a radar in every car not far off.
