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Congratulations to Arturo Mediano for IEEE EMC Education Award!

Congratulations to Arturo Mediano for IEEE EMC Education Award!

Sep 2024

Besser Associates congratulates instructor Arturo Mediano for his outstanding contributions to the field of EMI/EMC and RF engineering! On August 9th, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Mediano was honored to receive the 2024 Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education Award from the IEEE EMC Society. The EMC Society values high-quality EMC Engineering education and recognizes the crucial role of continuing education. This award highlights excellence in course design, delivery, and support, the ability to inspire students, their contributions to educational publications, and their innovations in EMC engineering education. We are proud to offer Dr. Mediano's courses to you as part of our RF and Wireless training catalog.

You can experience these great courses from Arturo Mediano on-demand right here with Besser Associates:

Don't delay - upgrade your design and troubleshooting skills with our award-winning training today!

More information about the IEEE EMC Society award:

Formal recognition of outstanding teachers acknowledges the importance that EMC Society assigns to high-quality EMC Engineering education and the important role that continuing education plays in the EMCS’s education outreach.
The EMCS Award for Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education is intended to recognize an outstanding EMC engineering educator who is a member of the IEEE EMC Society, who has shared technical and professional abilities through teaching in industry, government, or in continuing education institutions other than academia, for excellence in the design, delivery, and support of continuing education courses and programs in the fields of interest to EMC Engineering; for the ability to inspire students; for contributions to education and the publication of books and other writings and for innovations in EMC engineering education. In so doing he/she has made an outstanding contribution to the EMC Engineering profession and to the EMC engineering education community.

In particular, the Award recognizes outstanding contributions to teaching activities in Continuing EMC Engineering Education in the following areas:

  • Instruction (classroom, lab, virtual)
  • Advising/supporting/mentoring of students
  • Course design and/or curriculum development
  • Development of innovative teaching methods
  • Development of innovative educational materials
  • Leadership to improve teaching
  • Use of research on teaching
  • Commitment to professional growth and development and/or effective collaboration with colleagues and education partners

