Besser Associates is bringing comprehensive full-length classroom courses to you through live online sessions organized around your busy work schedule. We've broken the content into multiple week-long parts followed by break periods with on-demand access - allowing you to interact in the live sessions without significantly disrupting your daily work schedule.
Each part takes place over the course of one week, followed by an approximately five-week break, during which you will have on-demand access to all of the lectures so far. Study the lectures and ask your questions directly during any subsequent live session or email the instructor.
Here's another major benefit for 2025 - extended on-demand access!
In addition to on-demand access between each part, enjoy extended on-demand access to the lectures for 30 days after the last live session.
Our first course in this series, mmWave RFIC and MMIC Design Techniques, will be divided into three parts to cover all of the material in the syllabus. See the outline below and sign up now!
mmWave RFIC and MMIC Design Techniques
Course 181
Finalized dates below!
The successful design of mm-Wave (Millimeter Wave) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and RFICs is the result of a disciplined design approach. This course covers, in detail, the theory, and practical strategies required to achieve first-pass design success. Specifically, the course covers the implementation of mm-Wave circuits on SiGe, GaAs, InP, and GaN substrates including instruction on processing, masks, simulation, layout, design rule checking, packaging, and testing. Numerous design examples are provided with emphasis on increasing yield, and reliability.
This course is broken into 9 live online daily sessions with each session lasting approximately 2.5 hours each day. The course is spread out in three parts over a three-month period. Each part contains 3 daily sessions. Each session is recorded to support students who want to review the live events or for those that cannot attend the live events. With your enrollment in each course, you will be able to view recordings of the live sessions throughout the program access period and up to 30 days after the final session.
The 2025 schedule for course 181 is as follows:
The live session occurs from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM Eastern Time for each of the dates listed.
On-demand access becomes available 1-2 business days after each live event.
Part One: June 10, 11, 12
Part Two: July 22, 23, 24
Part Three: September 2, 3, 4
On-demand access period for this course ends September 30, 2025.
See the full outline and sign up now!