RF Design: Applied Techniques
Course 248
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This new course incorporates the most popular topics from Applied RF Techniques 1 and 2 in a 5-day format. The material presented provides participants with the critical tools to design, analyze, test, and integrate linear and nonlinear transmitter and receiver circuits and subsystems.
Impedance matching is vitally important in RF systems and we use both graphical (Smith Chart ) and analytical techniques throughout the course. We also examine discrete and monolithic component models in their physical forms, discussing parasitic effects and losses, revealing reasons why circuit elements behave in surprising manners at RF. Filters, resonant circuits and their applications are reviewed through filter tables and modern synthesis techniques, leading into matching networks and matching filter structures. Since wires and printed circuit conductors may behave as transmission line elements, we also cover microstrip and stripline realizations.
In the area of active circuits, we first examine fundamental limitations posed by noise and distortion. The next topic is small-signal linear amplifier design, based on scattering parameter techniques, considering input/output match and gain flatness RF stability is examined both with S-parameters and also with the Nyquist test using nonlinear device models. Since DC biasing affects RF performance, we review active and passive bias circuits and see how they can be combined with impedance matching circuits. Another important consideration is circuit layout, therefore we look at problems caused by coupling, grounding and parasitic resistance. Narrow and broadband designs are compared, using lossless and lossy impedance matching as well as feedback circuits. Low-noise amplifier design is illustrated, discussing trade-offs among gain flatness, noise, RF stability, and impedance match. Harmonic and inter-modulation performance is also examined. Performance trade-offs of balanced amplifiers are viewed. The course concludes by examining large-signal and ultra wideband feedback amplifiers.
Circuit level engineers will master the latest linear and nonlinear design techniques to both analyze and design transceiver circuits. System engineers will examine block level circuit functions; learn the performance limits and how to establish specifications. Test engineers will learn how to test and evaluate circuits. Transceiver circuits to be covered include power amplifiers, oscillators ( PLL, VCO, etc. ) and the critical receiver elements. Receiver architecture and synthesizer design to meet critical requirements will be presented. Techniques to successfully integrate circuit functions at the system level will be discussed.
Learning objectives
Upon completing the course you will be able to:
- Describe RF circuit parameters and terminology
- Match impedances and perform transformations
- Understand Impedance matching, component models, and PCB layout issues
- Design filters with lumped and distributed components
- Predict RF circuit stability and stabilize circuits
- Design various RF amplifiers: small-signal, low-noise, and feedback
- Understand and quantify nonlinear effects of transmit and receive systems
- Use CAD models to analyze/design circuits
- Design low noise and highly linear amplifiers
- Understand receiver performance parameters and modulation techniques
- Design signal sources using PLL ( phased lock loop ) techniques
- Explain and design VCOs and stable oscillators
Target Audience
The course is designed for engineers who are involved with the production, test, and development of RF components, circuits, sub-systems, and systems.
Engineering degree and the course, RF Design - Core Concepts (#247), or equivalent background, including Smith chart and concepts such as wavelength, electrical length, and dB notation, are recommended.