Introduction to RF Impedance Matching Using Analytical Techniques

Course 229

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Available with RF Mentor Academy Subscription

  -  On Demand, Besser Associates Online Academy / Bob Froelich


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The need for impedance matching is rooted in basic AC circuit analysis principles. In basic terms, maximum power transfer occurs when the current and voltage are in phase. This workshop examines the ins and outs of delivering the most power possible to an RF load. Q factor and its effect on matching network bandwidth are also described.

The course is typically a live two hour online event but the recording can be made available on demand and online to support students requiring a more convenient viewing time. For on demand students, simply register online or by contacting the office and you will receive the login details for 30 day access to the recording. Please feel free to contact us by email if you need more information -

This course is intended for registered individual students only. Please contact us for group rates at or 650-949-3300. Recording, copying, or re-transmission of classroom material is prohibited.

Learning objectives

Upon completing the course you will be able to:

  • Understand the basis of impedance matching and its importance in energy transfer.
  • Understand complex impedances
  • Match unequal terminations
  • Optimize matching networks for wider bandwidth

Target Audience

Engineers and technicians who are new to RF and need to work with matching networks.


Session One

Impedance Matching Fundamentals
 • Electrical energy transfer. • AC voltage and current in resistors, inductors and capacitors. • Complex numbers and complex arithmetic. • Impedance and admittance. • Conjugate match. • Q Factor. • Impedance matching with simple parasitics. • Impdedance matching between unequal terminations. • Improving bandwidth.