mmWave RFIC and MMIC Design Techniques

Course 181

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 Jun 10-Sep 30, 2025 -  e-Learning Live Event, Online Meeting / Ali Darwish

$1,595 until 05/02/2025, then $1,895

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The successful design of mm-Wave (Millimeter Wave) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and RFICs is the result of a disciplined design approach. This course covers, in detail, the theory, and practical strategies required to achieve first-pass design success. Specifically, the course covers the implementation of mm-Wave circuits on SiGe, GaAs, InP, and GaN substrates including instruction on processing, masks, simulation, layout, design rule checking, packaging, and testing. Numerous design examples are provided with emphasis on increasing yield, and reliability.

This course is broken into 9 live online daily sessions with each session lasting approximatley 2.5 hours each day. The course is spread out in three parts over a three month period. Each part contains 3 daily sessions. Each session is recorded to support students that want to review the live events or for those that cannot attend the live events. With your enrollment in each course, you will be able to view recordings of the live sessions throughout the program access period and up to 30 days after the final session.

Daily sessions run from 4:00PM to 6:30PM Eastern Time USA. The current schedule for 2025 is as follows:

Part One: June 10, 11, 12

Part Two: July 22, 23, 24

Part Three: September 2, 3, 4

Learning objectives

Upon completing the course you will be able to:

  • Learn the advantages and limitations of MMIC Designs
  • Take advantage of the inherent benefits of MMICs over hybrid circuits.
  • Account for the parasitics of the active device.
  • Design biasing networks for active circuits.
  • Design broadband amplifier.
  • Design MMIC power amplifiers at mm-Wave.
  • Test and detect odd and even-mode instabilities.
  • Improve the yield of MMIC chips.
  • Calculate the lifetime of MMIC chips in packaged and unpackaged assemblies.

Target Audience

Microwave engineers who want to design, fabricate, and test robust RF/Wireless MMICs, in the 30-100 GHz frequency range, will benefit from this comprehensive design course. Basic knowledge of microwave measurements and transmission line (Smith Chart) theory is assumed.


Part One: Daily Session 1,2,3 – approximately 2.5 hours each day

Introduction to MMIC Design
 • Advantages and tradeoffs: true cost, performance, reliability, size • Unique mm-Wave applications: Satellite communications, automotive radar, 5G, 60 GHz communications, beamforming •  Choosing among device technologies: GaAs FET/pHEMT, GaAs HBT, InP, SiGe, GaN HEMT • RFIC/MMIC Design cycle - process selection, device characterization, circuit topology decision, design, taping-out, testing
Passive MMIC Elements
 • mm-Wave element modeling - capacitors, inductors, transformers, via holes • Transmission line modeling - microstrip, coplanar. • mm-Wave combiners and dividers - Wilkinson, Lange, Pi-wave • Baluns, coupled lines, couplers. • mm-Wave impedance matching - Ruthroff transformer, Trifilar structure, and Coupled transmission line transformer
Odd / Even-mode Instability Detection
 • Gain definitions: Gmax, MSG, Unilateral gain • Conjugate matching • Stability analysis - odd mode, even mode analysis, bias-induced instabilities. Instability tests

Part Two: Daily Session 4,5,6 – approximately 2.5 hours each day

Active Devices
 • De-embedding, Characterization, modeling. • GaAs MESFET, pHEMT, HBT, SiGe, InP and GaN HEMT • Device parameters: ft, fmax, gm, RON, parasitics • Equivalent circuit—physical basis • Intrinsic equivalent circuit • Illustrative example: equivalent circuit extraction • Thermal resistance and lifetime estimation • Design example: choosing FET gate-pitch and bias for 10+ years lifetime
mm-Wave Amplifiers
 • Biasing network selection
Single stage design: lumped vs. distributed matching
 • Design example: 30 GHz 4W GaN feedback amplifier • Multi-stage design

Part Three: Daily Session 7,8,9 – approximately 2.5 hours each day

Sample Case Studies
 • Designing a 20 – 40 GHz 10 W GaN amplifier • Designing a 75 – 100 GHz 2W amplifier • Designing a 80 GHz SiGe amplifier • Designing a 45 GHz CMOS amplifier • Design a 28 GHz CMOS amplifier
 • Layout design rules • Process control and monitoring • Reverse engineering • Yield and sensitivity analysis
Testing and Packaging
 • Rapid testing: on-wafer, dc-screening • Package design • Package parasitics - cavity effects, stabilization • Thermal management - epoxy, eutectic